5 Easy Ways to Stay Top of Mind in a Virtual World

Celebrating World Communication Week

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It’s no mystery that our methods of communication have drastically changed over the last two years due to the impact of COVID coupled with the advancements in our ever-changing technology.

Social distancing has caused us to replace traditional in-person interactions with email, texting, social media and video conferencing, to name a few. These digital mediums have not only become new norms in our communication methods, but also preferred methods due to convenience and ease of use.

As we observe World Communication Week, now is a great time to explore several impactful digital marketing tools you can begin integrating into your marketing strategies today. Let’s dive into five easy ways to stay top of mind to your clients and prospects in a virtual world. 

1) Email Marketing

According to an article by 99Firms*, 95% of consumers check email every day. While the idea of email marketing may sound daunting to some, whether it’s due to lack of time, content generation or segmenting target audiences, LPL Financial (LPL) has made it easier than ever to send targeted email campaigns through the Automated Campaign Tool (ACT).

Available through Marketing on Demand, this “set it and forget it” email marketing tool allows you to segment your contacts through the use of tags so you can drip on your target audiences with pre-approved, content-rich campaigns. From birthday and holiday greetings to financial and lifestyle topics, to LPL Weekly Market Commentary, you can set up your emails to launch on a weekly, quarterly, or monthly basis. You can even send your own custom content through this as well and choose the day and time you want it to launch.

ACT is free for use for up to 1,500 contacts. Additionally, advisors can leverage LPL’s Marketing Content Calendar to organize what messages to send depending on what the hot topics are each month. LPL’s third party approved vendors such as Constant Contact, FMG Suite also offer email marketing solutions for advisors to consider that are subscription based.

2) MyRepChat

A staggering fact to consider – 95% of text messages sent are opened and responded to within the first three minutes of being delivered.  So, why not use this to your advantage?  Through MyRepChat, advisors can text their clients and prospects in a compliant manner. This valuable texting tool allows you to create messaging around certain topics and provide call to actions through direct links they can click on for convenience. Leveraging our Marketing Resource Library’s campaign content for inspiration, you can send messaging around annual checkups, updating beneficiaries, IRA contributions, etc., and send direct links to schedule an appointment in real time via ScheduleOnce.

Think about this also as a nice convenient way to create personal touchpoints to your clients and prospects as you come across lifestyle articles for your fitness and travel lovers by sharing these links with them. Similar to ACT, you can “set it and forget it” to launch messages during times of convenience, create segmented groups to drip on, and even set up your admin as a delegate to manage on your behalf. Promote this Virtual Business Number on your marketing materials and forward your personal mobile number so you never miss a call.

3) Webinars

Hosting webinars have never been easier thanks to video conferencing platforms such as Microsoft Teams, WebEx, Zoom, and GoToMeeting. Clients and prospects have the luxury of being able to attend virtually from the location of their choosing and save on gas as well! Think of the impact lunch and learns can have, hosting at a time of convenience. You can even host client appreciation events virtually, such as wine tastings where samples are sent to your clients/prospects from participating vendors. Advisors have access to numerous pre-approved seminar/webinar content through our FRGIS Marketing Resource library as well as LPL’s Marketing on Demand.

4) Social Media

Utilizing social media is a great way to build connections and post timely content. Through LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, you can create engaging, shareable posts in real time, without having to get your content approved through Marketing Regulatory Review, thanks to Social Patrol. Having a compelling headline, robust profile copy, and regular posts will help you stand out amongst your competitors.

LPL’s free social media content library, Gainfully, is a valuable resource to find content-rich posts that are relevant and timely that easily integrate with each of your social media channels. You can also “set it and forget it” – freeing up your time to focus on growing your business.  Did you know that you can also leverage your social media channels for lead generation? 

Social media is a great tool to use for prospecting through the use of filters to narrow down your target audiences.  Once you find your prospects, you can drip on them through the use of scripts as a great way for lead generation. Investment services programs located within institutions have an advantage of utilizing social media by having their institutions share and/or like their content so that it populates on their pages, amplifying the messaging. Promoting your social media channels through email signatures, websites and QR codes allow for easy ways to create connections.

5) Blogging/Vlogging

One great way to help build SEO for your website and become a thought leader in the industry is to dedicate some time to blog on various topics. Blogging is a great way to deviate from canned content to provide a fresh and personal perspective to your clients and prospects that will help you stand out amongst your competitors as well.  Additionally, with video becoming more powerful online than ever, think about turning some of your blogs into vlogs. Using your smartphone and a simple tripod, you can record 2-3 minute videos tailored to your target audience. Think about leveraging social media to post a teaser message with your new blog/vlog that’ll drive traffic to your website.


Let Us Help You with Your Marketing Efforts Today!

As we get ready to enter into a new year, now is the perfect time to reach out to your designated Marketing Account Manager to help you create and/or organize your personal Marketing Content Calendar so you can stay top of mind to your clients and prospects throughout the year.

To learn more about these five easy tips contact us directly or through marketing@lplatfrg.com.  We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Picture of Financial Resources Group Marketing Department

Financial Resources Group Marketing Department

Social media is a great tool to use for prospecting through the use of filters to narrow down your target audiences. 

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